Unmanned is the latest interactive piece by Molleindustria (of Every Day the Same Dream fame). Written by Jim Munroe (Guilded Youth), you play a father, husband and drone pilot. Gameplay consists of different episodes: one has you shaving your face, another playing FPS games with your son, and just choosing answers through the various conversations. After each episode you'll be awarded with badges depending on your performance. As with all of Molleindustria's games, though, what you get is a very intimate experience regarding what choices (by gameplay) you make. There is definitely something of the provocative here, and it certainly won't leave anyone unaffected.
A single game might turn out for just 5 to 10 minutes, but repeated playthroughs are needed to see everything. The game is well made with a distinctive art-style (something out of the Frederick Raynal book) and presentation. Hard not to recommend as a very intriguing and thought provoking experience.
A single game might turn out for just 5 to 10 minutes, but repeated playthroughs are needed to see everything. The game is well made with a distinctive art-style (something out of the Frederick Raynal book) and presentation. Hard not to recommend as a very intriguing and thought provoking experience.
Avaiable for play online or download here: http://unmanned.molleindustria.org/
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